Appreciating art at Qube

Ever wondered what it feels like to watch paintings while drinking beer? Well, we may have the answer for you! The Food Junkies team went to an art spot at Crossroads named Qube Gallery. Well, you may think that “meh, there’s nothing special here. It’s just another gallery full of pictures/paintings..” Think again. In our opinion, Qube Gallery is one of the best places that we went. Why, you ask? Who serves beer inside an art spot? They do! That’s why we consider their art gallery as one of the best. So if you think that it doesn’t even make sense, trust me, It makes PERFECT sense. So if I were you, I’d go and see for myself if the ‘legend’ is indeed true.



So every month, an artist’s full art collection is featured at Qube Gallery. During our visit, the works of Mr. Jose Antonio Negro were the pieces under the spotlight. Walking into that serene hallway just makes you feel so calm and makes you connect with the artworks inside the gallery. What’s good is that the gallery also have a terrace on the 2nd floor for people to enjoy and talk about art while sipping on their almond and raspberry mix. Doesn’t that sound great? I’m sure it does, so if you love art and spirits then come see QubeGallery for yourself. It would surely be a good place to bond with friends and loved ones.







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